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Welcome to SHOUT

We aim to strengthen innovation capacity and transformational role of HEIs, SMEs and NGOs

when dealing with complex problems presented in Sustainable Development Goals and developing innovative sustainable solutions through inter-sectoral cooperation model and enhanced sharing of knowledge between different stakeholders, SSH graduates and researchers employability.



develop innovative educational programmes for Social Sciences and Humanities academics, research support staff, Social Sciences and Humanities students and Social Sciences and Humanities professionals, in order to improve their knowledge, skills and competences in communication and responsiveness to Sustainable Development Goals challenges, entrepreneurship and research-oriented mind-set.


develop research mission-based and problem-focused learning approach where students, professors, and practitioners will work together on joint solutions in the challenges of Sustainable Development Goals (i.e. through the professor-student-practitioner research traineeship schemes).


create a self-sustaining Social Sciences and Humanities research and innovation HUB where HEIs, SMEs and NGOs will be able to exchange knowledge, facilitate further cooperation and strengthen joint sustainable innovation solutions on the European level.


improve visibility of Social Sciences and Humanities research and strengthen its impact on broader socio-economic environment, especially in the field of sustainable transformations/innovations.


strengthen collaboration among different sectors, improve networking channels and bridge the gap between research and practice.


Educational programmes

Develop innovative educational programmes for Social Sciences and Humanities academics, research support staff, Social Sciences and Humanities students and Social Sciences and Humanities professionals, in order to improve their knowledge, skills and competences in communication and responsiveness to Sustainable Development Goals challenges, entrepreneurship and research-oriented mind-set.

Traineeship Programme

Develop research mission-based and problem-focused learning approach where students, professors, and practitioners will work together on joint solutions in the challenges of Sustainable Development Goals (i.e. through the professor-student-practitioner research traineeship schemes).

Social Sciences and Humanities research and innovation HUB

Create a self-sustaining Social Sciences and Humanities research and innovation HUB where HEIs, SMEs and NGOs will be able to exchange knowledge, facilitate further cooperation and strengthen joint sustainable innovation solutions on the European level.

Our Method

The complex global challenges that we are facing today cannot be explained by physical, environmental and biological causes alone; humans play a central role. Understanding the human factor is fundamental and can only be achieved by investigating the historical, cultural and communication processes in which human life is embedded.

SHOUT will create new opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities where students, recently graduates young professionals and researchers will work together with practitioners from SMEs and NGOs to develop solutions and generate value for civil society, public policy, business and service industries. In a broader socio-economic environment, there is a lack of understanding around usefulness of Social Sciences and Humanities on different levels and among different actors. This problem is coming from both sides: companies and 3rd sector organizations often do not see the benefit in hiring Social Sciences and Humanities graduates or consulting with Social Sciences and Humanities researchers, while graduates hardly know how to sell themselves even though they are critical when building sustainable innovations and the skills they require are at the most demand. This paradox needs to be broken.

SHOUT addresses this challenge by implementing a mission-based approach

Strengthening the impact of SSH on broader socio-economic environment

by (1) mapping SSH researchers/professionals and connecting them with industry and 3rd sector representatives; (2) developing a replicable research mission-based traineeship scheme for SSH students; (3) offering effective guidelines to foster the promotion of the visibility of SSH research and impacts when addressing societal and economic challenges.

Creating an effective and well-functioning ecosystem for sustainable innovations to flourish

by (1) identifying the research needs among SMEs and NGOs and addressing it through SSH student research mission-based traineeships; (2) developing, feeding and testing an SSH research and innovation HUB that will enable the creation of collaborative working spaces for the development of research projects, and future provision of services (3) organising knowledge-sharing events and a final conference attracting and involving stakeholders (4) learn from and share good practices of innovative solutions, with visible impact that were promoted/led by SSH students.

Enhancing knowledge, skills and competences of SSH representatives

by (1) developing and implementing tailored educational programmes addressing SSH teachers, SSH students and researchers and professionals in industry and 3rd sector (including managers and innovation managers); (2) designing and promoting an effective mission-based traineeship scheme enabling the displacement of students and researchers to work on real-life needs-based research projects, based in real needs/challenges of industry and 3rd sector.

Target Groups

SSH Academic providers + second and third sector representatives (SMEs and NGOs)

Social Sciences and Humanities students and (recent) graduates

SME managers/researchers/innovation managers/HR managers

NGOs managers/representatives

Social Sciences and Humanities teachers

Social Sciences and Humanities professionals and tech-transfer/ innovation professionals

Social Sciences and Humanities researchers and experts